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Meet the Least Happy People in America

Jessica Schrader

17 Sept 2011

If you were introduced to a random group of white-collar workers and offered $1 million if you could select the happiest person in the group, what kind of person would you pick: A man or a woman? Married or single? Children or no children?

If you were introduced to a random group of white-collar workers and offered $1 million if you could select the happiest person in the group, what kind of person would you pick: A man or a woman? Married or single? Children or no children?

According to a new survey released this month, your odds of winning the cash would increase if you skipped any 40-something, single female professionals and focused on the middle-aged male managers with one child at home and a wife who works part-time. In its Office Pulse survey, Captivate Network, a media solutions company, says its uncovered "profiles of the happiest and unhappiest workers."

And here is the profile of the happiest workers:

  • Male

  • 39 years old

  • Married

  • Household income between $150,000 and $200,000

  • In a senior management position

  • One young child at home

  • A wife who works part-time

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